Crystal’s Place
my little piece of the web
© Crystal (aka Dragonfae) 2010-2025
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My first attempt at making a dream catcher. An overall shot and closeups of each section (top, middle, bottom).
Aurora’s Dreamcatcher - I made this one for our grandbaby just before she was born
The small circle in the middle here represents baby (with Tanzanite beads), the large ring on the left represents
Dad (with Amethyst, Apatite, Iolite, and Tourmilated Quartz beads), and the large ring on the right represents
Mom (with Moonstone, Citrine, Cherry Quartz, and Rutilated Quartz beads).
The bottom has been adorned with hand wrapped Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Pink Tourmaline.
Yes, it’s a bit elaborate (and huge ... almost a foot wide) but it so suits Aurora’s personality!